![]() ![]() April 30, 2013 Studio Update and Pending Web Site Redesign The new Art and Structure studio residence is approximately 70% complete, and continues construction now with Winter having mostly passed, here in the high basin. A major redesign of the Art and Structure web site is overdue. Due to an incredibly busy schedule, updates may be a while coming yet. When the update does arrive, expect to see a significant change in the site, being organized into three major categories for the arts, thought, and charitable initiatives. August 22, 2012 New Photos and Photography Article New photos have been added to the Landscapes/Nature and Man-made Objects photo galleries in preparation for next month's show in Ashland. Also, an article titled, "The Art of Photography in a Digital World", explaining the relation between digital photography and film, and what makes quality photography has been added to the Art of Photography series. August 7, 2012 September Solo Photography Show in Ashland Once again my representation, Gallerie Karon at 500 A Street in Ashland, Oregon will be showcasing my photography. The show will run for the month of September, with the official opening night on Friday, the 7th of September from 5pm to 8pm during Ashland's monthly First Friday art walk. I will be at the gallery during this time to meet, talk photography, the arts or anything else and answer any questions. The photos will remain on display through the duration of the month. If you are in the area, feel free to drop by and enjoy. January 15, 2012 The Art of Music and An Introduction to Music for All Time A new series of articles on The Art of Music has begun to be posted in the Music Composition section of the site, discussing the art, its expressive features, appreciation and place. The first article (aside from the self-titled opening remarks), An Introduction to Music for All Time, provides an overview of the art as a form of language, and the potential of its expression. December 22, 2011 Creating a Pure CSS Centered Image Gallery A new article on Creating a Pure CSS Centered Image Gallery has been added to the Software Development section of the site, providing an elegant and simple solution for this common web design challenge. The article demonstrates the same method used for the Art and Structure photo galleries, as well as a clear and informative look at how and why CSS behaves the way it does with regard to this issue. November 29, 2011 Radio Appearance on Klamath Falls KTEC 89.5 FM For those interested, I will be part of a radio program on Klamath Falls' KTEC 89.5 FM this friday, December 2nd from 6pm-8pm along with some other foks to talk about a short film project we currently have in production, as well as the Klamath Film Makers Group (KFMG), and perhaps some additional background on my other work if the slot allows. A live broadcast of the station can be listened to through the internet here. October 12, 2011 Insights About the Music Informative descriptions have been added to each piece of music in the Music Composition section of the site offering brief insights into the technical, artistic or contextual nature of each piece, both within the pieces themselves and their place in the context of the music as a whole. September 6, 2011 Music samples: TileTouch theme and Civil War film score Two samples of music have been added to the Music Composition section of the site. The theme for TileTouch, featured in the iPhone/iPod Touch game of the same name is now available for listening, as well as a rough sketch for the score to a Civil War short film.
August 31, 2011 Isolated Wholeness Isolated Wholeness has been added to the Prose section of the site. Take a moment to give it a read if you have the time and enjoy.
August 5, 2011 New Photos and Museum Exhibit Now Showing New photos have been added to the Landscapes/Nature and Man-Made Objects photography pages. 15 new photos total. The Klamath County Museum, located at 1451 Main Street in Klamath Falls, Oregon is now carrying an exhibit of 23 Art and Structure photographs in its Modoc Gallery during the month of August. Admission to the Modoc gallery portion of the museum is free and a reception will be held tomorrow, saturday the 6th of August from 1:00pm - 3:00pm at which I will be present. If you are in the area this is an excellent opportunity to see a wide variety of fine, high quality photographs spanning landscapes and nature, portraiture and architectural subjects.
July 21, 2011 August Photography Exhibit at Modoc Gallery I am pleased to announce The Klamath County Museum, located at 1451 Main Street in Klamath Falls, Oregon will carry an exhibit of my photography in its Modoc Gallery during the month of August. The exhibit will be set on Tuesday, the 2nd of August and a reception will be held Saturday August 6th from 1:00pm - 3:00pm, with the photography remaining through the end of the month. 20+ pieces will be on hand and prices have been lowered in anticipation of the showing. Additional photos will be added to this site, some of which will make their debut at the Museum. If you are in the area this is an excellent opportunity to see a wide variety of fine, high quality photographs spanning landscapes and nature, portraiture and architectural subjects. Admission to the Modoc Gallery is free.
March 27, 2011 Construction of New Studio Residence / Now on Facebook / Pending Updates After much deliberation with the City, County and other associated parties over the last year or so, permits have been approved to construct a studio residence also serving as the new physical location of Art and Structure in Klamath Falls, Oregon. Additional information and progress on the project will be posted in the coming months. Excavation to begin May/June 2011. ... Art and Structure now has a Facebook presence. If you are on Facebook feel free to "like" the facebook page to receive updated content there. This site remains the primary web presence of Art and Structure and will always have the most in-depth content. However, the Facebook page will include updates from here as well as additional content of related interest to Art and Structure, such as a recent post regarding the application of nature's design to architecture, and a video performance of Ralph Vaughan Williams' "Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis". ... In addition, this website can itself now be "liked" by Facebook users via the button following this update post, or the same button on the home page Lastly, this website is due a general update which, among other things, will include larger images to view along with new content lining up to be added. A gracious thank you for continued interest and support. June 6, 2010 Feeling and Intellect, and a Brief Update Much time has been spent these last 6 months working on a design for a studio residence to also be the working studio of Art and Structure here in Klamath Falls, Oregon. The design is mostly complete and now moving forward on evaluating the project's cost and feasibility. In addition, a damaged computer has slowed other projects this year which should now be coming back on track. My photography will no longer be on display here at Fred Meyer but other venues are being considered. New photos have been on display at Gallery Karon in Ashland, Oregon including two new self portraits which will be added to the site in the near future. Most importantly for this update, Feeling and Intellect has been added to the Prose section of the site. Take a moment to give it a read if you have the time and enjoy. November 13, 2009 New Photos / TileTouch Lite / Lens Articles An update on the last 6 weeks or so, which included a trip to the northeast... New photos are now on display at Gallerie Karon in Ashland, Oregon. This is the winter set, as the weather generally prevents any regular visits to the gallery until the spring. As such the gallery has more of my work on hand this time of year than any other. Among the works are three new photos from a recent trip to the east coast, which have also been added to the Man-Made Objects section of the Photography pages. Many more will follow sometime later this winter. New photos were also briefly set in place at the Klamath Falls Fred Meyer, in the deli seating area by Pete's Coffee, but have been temporarily removed for the holidays. Expect to see the new photos again around New Year's. TileTouch lite is available for download through iTunes™ on the App Store™. If you do not have iTunes installed on your computer the above link should direct to Apple's site to download iTunes. iTunes itself is also a free download. September 24, 2009 TileTouch Now Available for iPhone and iPod touch Art and Structure is pleased to announce the official release and availability of TileTouch for the Apple iPhone™ and iPod touch™. TileTouch is easy enough to pick up and play immediately, with a depth of strategy and addictive gameplay to fill a moment, minutes or hours. Tiles slowly build on the game board at an ever increasing speed. Remove tiles from the board to progress in either Standard timed play with 10 levels of 3 stages each, or survive in Endurance mode. The increasingly frantic gameplay, instinctive interaction and subtle elements requiring ever more careful strategy unique to each player will keep you coming back again and again to set that new high score or last just that much longer in Endurance mode.
Click here for gameplay video and screenshots TileTouch is now available for download through iTunes™ on the App Store™. If you do not have iTunes installed on your computer the above link should direct to Apple's site to download iTunes. While the game is a $0.99 purchase, iTunes itself is a free download. August 1, 2009 New Camera, New Photos The first of a series of new photos utilizing a new camera and processing software have now been posted to the Landscapes/Nature photography section. These photos exhibit exceptional clarity, color and detail in the prints and can be produced at poster size or larger. If you have an interest in a print of this size, feel free to Contact me for a special order. July 12, 2009 More About Art and Structure The About page has been expanded to include a more detailed list of experience and some of the tools used to produce the works on this site. July 3, 2009 Software Development Building on years of computer programming experience, I am pleased to add Software Development to Art and Structure's range of work. This new chapter to the site will provide commercial software consistent with the spirit and essence of all the works contained herein, beginning with a soon to be announced game for the Apple iPhone/iPod Touch platform. As with other areas of the site, Software Development will also provide for the knowledge and enlightenment of those interested in the art itself. The first of these offerings, Working with High Scores, is now available. Keep checking back for the game's formal release in addition to software for use in everyday Life. July 1, 2009 The Art of Photography A new section has been added to the Photography page titled, The Art of Photography. This will be an ongoing series of articles regarding the technical and artistic elements of photography. The first article, Megapixels has been posted. Additional articles will be added at a later date. A similar series of articles will appear in all branches of the site over time. June 28, 2009 Love, Harmony and Beauty Love, Harmony and Beauty has been added to the Prose section of the site. Take a moment to give it a read if you have the time and enjoy. June 27, 2009 Art and Structure Photo Updates The Photography section has been updated with enhanced photos to better demonstrate the detail and color present in actual prints, though the framed prints still display greater color and clarity than can be seen on a typical computer monitor. The Portraiture section includes new photos and has been further consolidated into one easy to view page. Along with new portraits, a number of existing portraits have been updated to reflect the new portrait style in progress. Further updates across the site will go live in the coming weeks. June 3, 2009 New Portraits at Gallerie Karon / Art and Structure Updates Two new portraits are on display at Gallerie Karon in Ashland, Oregon; one of which has been featured in Ashland Magazine. April 6, 2009 New Photos on Display New photos are now on display at both Gallerie Karon in Ashland, and the Klamath Falls Fred Meyer in the new deli seating area. December 16, 2008 Published in Ashland Magazine I am pleased to announce two photographs and a couple paragraphs about my work have been published on page 28 of the current edition of Ashland Magazine for Winter 2008. An online edition of the magazine can be viewed here. Clicking the center of the page should open a larger and more readable view of the page. Ashland Magazine covers a region extending from northern California to Eugene, Oregon and is distributed to individual readers, offices, hotels and other lodging, the Chamber of Commerce, and visitor centers. If you are in the region a print copy of the magazine can be purchased for $5.95 from now through February 2009. December 16, 2008 Portrait Pricing Pricing for portraits has been rewritten both here (see Photographic Services) and on the Art and Structure myspace page to be more clear. November 12, 2008 Major Photo Update All portraits in the portraiture section of the site have been consolidated into two new sections: Commercial Portraits and Gallery Portraits. This should provide a more concise and rounded presentation as well as being easier to view. October 17, 2008 Limited Time on Display at Klamath Falls Fred Meyer For a limited time 9 photographs are on display at the Klamath Falls, Oregon Fred Meyer, in the new seating area by the deli. Have a look the next time you are in for your shopping. September 1, 2008 September Solo Art Show Reminder My representation, Gallerie Karon at 500 A Street in Ashland, Oregon is previewing my September show now. All the photos are on display and ready for the official opening night this friday, the 5th of September from 5pm to 8pm during Ashland's monthly first friday art walk. July 16, 2008 Site Updates - New Photographic Services A new section on Photographic Services has been added to the
site listing rates for portraits, weddings/events and instruction/consultation. May 31, 2008 September Solo Art Showing in Ashland Gallerie Karon in Ashland, Oregon will be presenting a show of my photography for the month of September. I will be present to kick off the first showing, friday September 5th, 2008 from 5pm to 8pm. April 13, 2008 Pollak/McKee Wedding Photos I am pleased to announce the first showing of wedding photography on the site. |